Thursday, October 13, 2016

[ About Brain Aneurysms & How to Spot Them.]

Brain aneurysms kill people suddenly every year, yet few of us know what the warning signs of this deadly attack are. Recent estimates suggest that 90% of Americans are not sure what a brain aneurysm really is. And because anything from between 6% to 9% of people actually have an aneurysm, this lack of knowledge is tragic. This necessary guide will give you important information about brain aneurysms, telling you everything you need to know, and explaining what you can do to spot the signs before the worst happens.
Lisa Colagrossi's story

Image courtesy of
Some of you may know the story of Emmy Award nominated US news anchor, Lisa Colagrossi, who died in 2015 from a brain aneurysm, aged only 49. Lisa was a hard working woman who began to feel excruciating head pain. After discussing it with her husband, she decided to let it pass and get on with her work. Sadly, she was taken ill and died only two weeks after the initial headache passed.

Following this awful turn of events, Lisa’s husband established the Lisa Colagrossi Foundation (LCF) to raise public awareness about the silent killer that had taken her away from him and their two poor children. Her husband understood that it was only a lack of knowledge that prevented Lisa from going to the doctor before it was too late.

This story dramatically illustrates the need for more widely spread knowledge about brain aneurysms.

What is a brain aneurysm?

Image courtesy of

Neurosurgeon at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, Howard Riina, MD, describes a brain aneurysm as a weakness of the wall in one of the brain’s blood vessels. The weakness lets the wall form a bulge, due to the pressure of the blood running through the vessels. When this bulge becomes over-inflated it can rupture and seep blood into the brain tissue.

This bulge, or aneurysm, is something that anywhere from 6% to 9% of us are walking around with, unaware that it could rupture. They can even be seen on an MRI scan. Yet if the aneurysm is of a tolerably small size, doctors will not recommend invasive and dangerous surgery.

When you suffer a rupture

The frightening description above may give you the idea of blood squirting all over the place, but the truth is not quite so dramatic. There may be a little dribble for a few moments, but generally, a platelet plug naturally forms, according to Riina. However, even this little trickle can be fatal. Between 30% to 50% of sufferers die immediately after a rupture occurs.

The small blood leak irritates the brain tissues it comes into contact with, and this drastically increases pressure within the head. Furthermore, the loss of blood is catastrophic for the brain regions which have lost out. These areas need a constant supply of blood to function as they should.

Pressure and a lack of blood together combine to induce either death or unconsciousness.

Signs and symptoms of rupture

Image courtesy of

Here are several symptoms that have been reported by those who have suffered a rupture:

• An excruciating headache.

• Neck stiffness,

• Tingling face.

• Light sensitivity.

• Seizures.

• Weak limbs.

• Blurry or double vision.

• Extreme tiredness.

Most of these symptoms are secondary, however, to the headache. Colagrossi’s husband describes this as “W-H-O-L” or ‘the worst headache of your life’. This could be felt anywhere and at any time, though it may be felt more strongly behind the eyes. It is hard to describe this pain, some compare it to being hit by a bolt of lightning, others have said it felt like hearing a gun shot.

Friday, October 7, 2016

[ 24 Head-Spinning Facts About Beer.]

Beer is one of the most popular beverages in the world, but how much do you know about this tasty alcoholic drink? Did you know evidence suggests it's about 6000 years old? Did you also know that there are over 400 different kinds? Find out more about this not-so-dry subject in this terrific infographic that will teach you some astounding facts about beer!
Beer facts.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

[ Knee Pain ]

Discomfort in the knees can make everyday tasks seem pretty daunting, from having to walk, to climbing up stairs. Yet, while ensuring that your knees get enough rest is important, keeping your bones and muscles strong by engaging in these knee exercises  will help alleviate the pain.Effective home remedies to treat knee pain may also prove to be helpful, but adding to all of this, one remedy you should try is acupressure. Working on specific points, located in your knees can speed up your recovery. Here are some of the vital acupressure points located in this area:
 Before you start: If you have a serious illness or life-threatening disease such as heart disease or cancer, consult with a professional before practicing acupressure. Drink plenty of warm water after the massage. This will help clear away toxic substances in the body.
Point A: Calf's Nose:-

Point B: Sunny Side of the Mountain
knee acupressure points
Location: This point is located on the outside of the lower leg, below and in front of the top 
of the shinbone.
Benefits: Massaging this point will relieve excessive knee pain, muscular tension, aches 
and muscle strains.
Point C: Three Mile Point:-
knee acupressure points
Location: Measure four finger widths below the kneecap and located just on the 
outside the shinbone Three Mile Point.
Applying pressure to this point will strengthen your whole body, tone your muscles and 
relieve knee pain.
Point D: Commanding Activity.

Location: On the outside of the knee, just where the crease ends when the knee
 is bent, you will find the Commanding Activity point.
Benefits: Apply pressure here to relieve knee pain and stiffness.

Point E: Nourishing Valley

Location: On the inner edge of the knee crease, in the hollow between the two tendons.

Benefits: This point alleviates knee pain and abdominal pain.

Point F: Crooked Spring:-

Location: This point is located on the inside of the knee, just where the crease ends when 
the knee is bent.
Benefits: Massaging this point relieves knee pain, fibroids and swelling in the knee.

Point G: Shady Side of the Mountain
Located just below the kneecap in the outer indentation.
Benefits: Massaging this point will help relieve knee pain, knee stiffness,
 rheumatism of the feet and edema.

Friday, July 8, 2016

[Millets to Combat Diabetes.]

 Millets consumption has a long legacy and evidences of millets intake has been observed in Harappan archaeological sites and Kalidasa’s legendary literatures. Millets are small-grained, annual, warm-weather cereals belonging to grass family. In Tamil Nadu, besides cholam and cumbu, the millets like finger millet, thinai, kudiraivali, varagu and panivaragu and samai are cultivated which offer the much needed nutritional and livelihood security.

Mix Bisibele bath mix, Pulav, Jeera mix and biriyani. 

To meet the Snacks requirement of diabetic patients : Millet Kakkra, Millet bar, Millet laddu, Millet blended chocolate are prepared. Moreover, Nutritious blends like Nutri beverage, Malt and Commercially viable products like Millet based bakery products, extruded products and flaked products are prepared.
Millets Vs Diabetes
A substantial number of Indian children and women are underweight, anaemic and suffer from micronutrient deficiencies which are the indicators of malnutrition. Changes in lifestyle, decrease in diversification of cereals in food basket and increased share of junk foods during the recent period are the few major factors that hinders millets uptake. Research studies indicate that presence of insoluble fibre in millets not only increases intestinal transit times but also reduces the secretion of bile acids and thereby increases insulin sensitivity and lowers the triglycerides.

Workshop on MTCD
Owing to the nutritional superiority with special reference to diabetic patients and to create more awareness on millets among diabetic patients, a workshop was organized at State Planning Commission, under the chairmanship of Vice Chairperson, SPC on 06.02.2014 in which leading diabetologists, dieticians, medical practitioners, processors and food technology specialists apart from policy makers and officers participated.

A small exhibition was organized in association with Adhi Parasakthi Agricultural college, Kalavai, TNAU to make awareness on millets consumption among the public/Govt. servants. Presentations were made by leading diabetic medical practitioners, dieticians and SHG.

Nutritional Superiority
It has been scientifically proven that millets are way ahead of rice and wheat in terms of nutritional content. For instance, millets contain 10.6 grams of protein per 100 grams, as against rice which contains only 6.8 grams. Similarly, millets are also richer in fibre (1.3 grams to 10.1 grams), minerals (1.9 grams to 4.4 grams) and calcium (31 mg to 344 mg) in comparison to rice. In comparison to rice, millets with their low carbohydrate content, low digestibility and water soluble gum content (β–glucan) have been attributed to improve glucose metabolism. These grains release sugar slowly in the blood and also diminish the glucose absorption. For all these superior properties of minor millets, they are designated as nutritious millets.

Agricultural Policy & Planning Division State Planning Commission.

Millets Vs Diabetes 

A substantial number of Indian children and women are underweight, anaemic and suffer from micronutrient deficiencies which are the indicators of malnutrition. Changes in lifestyle, decrease in diversification of cereals in food basket and increased share of junk foods during the recent period are the few major factors that hinders millets uptake. Research studies indicate that presence of insoluble fibre in millets not only increases intestinal transit times but also reduces the secretion of bile acids and thereby increases insulin sensitivity and lowers the triglycerides.

Workshop on MTCD
Owing to the nutritional superiority with special reference to diabetic patients and to create more awareness on millets among diabetic patients, a workshop was organized at State Planning Commission, under the chairmanship of Vice Chairperson, SPC on 06.02.2014 in which leading diabetologists, dieticians, medical practitioners, processors and food technology specialists apart from policy makers and officers participated.

A small exhibition was organized in association with Adhi Parasakthi Agricultural college, Kalavai, TNAU to make awareness on millets consumption among the public/Govt. servants. Presentations were made by leading diabetic medical practitioners, dieticians and SHG.

Record of discussion of the interactive meeting on Millets to Combat Diabetes held on 06.02.2014 at State Planning Commission

The meeting was chaired by Tmt. Santha Sheela Nair, IAS.,(Retd.), Vice Chairperson, State Planning Commission.

Thiru. M. Balaji,IAS, Member Secretary, State Planning Commission welcomed the participants.

Dr. K. Ramasamy, Member (Agri & Irri) SPC & Vice Chancellor Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

and Dr. K. Sridhar, Member (Health) briefed about the importance of millets in dietary schedule of diabetic patients.

The low glycemic index nature of millets and nutritional superiority of millets were highlighted. Triglycerides and non-esterified fatty acids leading to insulin resistance.
The higher Glycemic Index/ Glycemic Load of the Indian diet due to intake of refined grains may play an important role in making Indians more susceptible to diabetes compared to Europeans, Chinese and other races. A study on Urban Indian Population to study the association of dietary carbohydrates & Glycemic load with risk of type - 2 diabetes mellitus conducted by the presenter among 1843 adults indicated that total dietary carbohydrates and glycemic load are associated with increased risk of T2DM.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

[ Sleep.]

Difficulty Sleeping ? 
This Banana Tea Recipe Works Wonders
There are nights when one cannot get to sleep. While 
everyone experiences occasional restless nights, if you 
regularly find it hard to get back to sleep within 
15 to 20 minutes, or if you wake up more than two to 
three times per night, your lack of sleep can disrupt your 
daily life, so it is worth addressing. While there are a 
number of natural remedies and herbs to help put you to 
sleep, here's another remedy you can try - in fact, 
it is highly recommended.
Banana Tea for Deep Sleep

This organic, banana-infused sleep remedy works wonders 
and it tastes great too. But, how does it work? Bananas, 
the peels in particular, are loaded with potassium and 
magnesium - two vital nutrients that will help you sleep 
better. While magnesium will help prevent sleep disturbances, 
both nutrients work together to help relax the muscles. 
Note: It is also important to use organic bananas, 
because they are free of harmful pesticides. 
As this recipe requires you to heat the boiled peel, 
non-organic bananas should be avoided.
Here's how: Prepare in under 10 minutes and enjoy 
every night before bed:


1 organic banana
1 small pot of water
Dash of cinnamon (optional)

1. Cut both ends off the banana, then place it, peel 
and all, into boiling water. Let the banana cook for 
around 10 minutes.

2. Use a colander to pour the banana water into a mug. 
If you like, you may sprinkle some cinnamon at this point. 
Drink the tea one hour before bed time. 

3. The left over banana is pretty tasty too. Serve 
it on a plate and dig in - skin included. 
The texture is soft, gooey and very enjoyable. 
How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Body
When your body doesn't get enough sleep it suffers. 
A lack of sleep affects your mood and your short 
term memory. Processing simple things can become 
challenging and it also affects your emotional response. 
A lack of sleep has also been linked to serious 
health conditions. 

Why Sleeping Pills are Not a Safe Alternative
Almost half of Americans suffer from insomnia or 
inadequate sleep. Yet, while it may be tempting to 
resort to sleeping pills, they cannot address the 
root of the problem. Rather, sleeping pills provide 
a short term fix. Furthermore, those frequently 
prescribed Benzodiazepines, like Xanax and Valium, 
which are used to treat anxiety disorders by increasing 
drowsiness can, unfortunately, be worryingly addictive 
too. In addition, Barbiturates suppress the central 
nervous system and act very much like anaesthetics 
and sedatives. 
As with all drugs, there's a list of side effects that 
accompany sleeping pills. Besides being addictive, they 
can cause constipation, dizziness, a tendency to lose 
focus and memory, stomach pain, weakness, uncontrollable 
shaking and parasombias (doing things without realizing).

Sunday, June 19, 2016

[ Craving Unhealthy Foods? You Could Be Low on Nutrients ]

There are instances when our cravings can come on pretty strong - such as when you cannot wait to launch into a packet of crisps or sink your teeth into a soft, sugar coated donut. There may be times when you overwhelmingly desire a slab of cheese or a piece of toast.
Whatever your cravings may be, they can be pretty hard to control when they come into play . However, while there are many theories behind why our cravings occur (from what your mother ate while you were in her womb, to the demand of your second 'gut brain,' or even pregnancy cravings) one other, possibly more plausible theory is that our cravings occur due to a lack of a specific nutrient.
Food cravings correspond to a request from our body. This theory maintains that if you replace foods containing the same nutrients you are actually craving, they might help curb the urge to eat unhealthy snacks. In theory, therefore, it should be possible to eat your way out of a packet of crisps, by replacing your desire with a handful of olives. Of course, there are instances when the food you are craving will have to do - after all, a spinach and seafood salad at the movies instead of a box of buttered popcorn isn't going to cut it.
Nevertheless, as with most things, extremes are hard to sustain. Keep in mind that there is a time and a place for everything. But, when your body is calling for more calcium and fatty acids, you should try opt for a dish of eggplant or some crispy kale over a portion of cheese.
Here are some other solutions to curb your food cravings.
To view a larger version of the chart click on the images.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

[Karl Landsteiner - Biographical. ]

Karl Landsteiner was born in Vienna on June 14, 1868. His father, Leopold Landsteiner, a doctor of law, was a well-known journalist and newspaper publisher, who died when Karl was six years old. Karl was brought up by his mother, Fanny Hess, to whom he was so devoted that a death mask of her hung on his wall until he died. After leaving school, Landsteiner studied medicine at the University of Vienna, graduating in 1891. Even while he was a student he had begun to do biochemical research and in 1891 he published a paper on the influence of diet on the composition of blood ash. To gain further knowledge of chemistry he spent the next five years in the laboratories of Hantzsch at Zurich, Emil Fischer at Wurzburg, and E. Bamberger at Munich. Returning to Vienna, Landsteiner resumed his medical studies at the Vienna General Hospital. In 1896 he became an assistant under Max von Gruber in the Hygiene Institute at Vienna. Even at this time he was interested in the mechanisms of immunity and in the nature of antibodies. From 1898 till 1908 he held the post of assistant in the University Department of Pathological Anatomy in Vienna, the Head of which was Professor A. Weichselbaum, who had discovered the bacterial cause of meningitis, and with Fraenckel had discovered the pneumococcus. Here Landsteiner worked on morbid physiology rather than on morbid anatomy. In this he was encouraged by Weichselbaum, in spite of the criticism of others in this Institute. In 1908 Weichselbaum secured his appointment as Prosector in the Wilhelminaspital in Vienna, where he remained until 1919. In 1911 he became Professor of Pathological Anatomy in the University of Vienna, but without the corresponding salary. Up to the year 1919, after twenty years of work on pathological anatomy, Landsteiner with a number of collaborators had published many papers on his findings in morbid anatomy and on immunology. He discovered new facts about the immunology of syphilis, added to the knowledge of the Wassermann reaction, and discovered the immunological factors which he named haptens (it then became clear that the active substances in the extracts of normal organs used in this reaction were, in fact, haptens). He made fundamental contributions to our knowledge of paroxysmal haemoglobinuria. He also showed that the cause of poliomyelitis could be transmitted to monkeys by injecting into them material prepared by grinding up the spinal cords of children who had died from this disease, and, lacking in Vienna monkeys for further experiments, he went to the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where monkeys were available. His work there, together with that independently done by Flexner and Lewis, laid the foundations of our knowledge of the cause and immunology of poliomyelitis. Landsteiner made numerous contributions to both pathological anatomy, histology and immunology, all of which showed, not only his meticulous care in observation and description, but also his biological understanding. But his name will no doubt always be honoured for his discovery in 1901 of, and outstanding work on, the blood groups, for which he was given the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1930. In 1875 Landois had reported that, when man is given transfusions of the blood of other animals, these foreign blood corpuscles are clumped and broken up in the blood vessels of man with the liberation of haemoglobin. In 1901-1903 Landsteiner pointed out that a similar reaction may occur when the blood of one human individual is transfused, not with the blood of another animal, but with that of another human being, and that this might be the cause of shock, jaundice, and haemoglobinuria that had followed some earlier attempts at blood transfusions.
His suggestions, however, received little attention until, in 1909, he classified the bloods of human beings into the now well-known A, B, AB, and O groups and showed that transfusions between individuals of groups A or B do not result in the destruction of new blood cells and that this catastrophe occurs only when a person is transfused with the blood of a person belonging to a different group. Earlier, in 1901-1903, Landsteiner had suggested that, because the characteristics which determine the blood groups are inherited, the blood groups may be used to decide instances of doubtful paternity. Much of the subsequent work that Landsteiner and his pupils did on blood groups and the immunological uses they made of them was done, not in Vienna, but in New York. For in 1919 conditions in Vienna were such that laboratory work was very difficult and, seeing no future for Austria, Landsteiner obtained the appointment of Prosector to a small Roman Catholic Hospital at The Hague. Here he published, from 1919-1922, twelve papers on new haptens that he had discovered, on conjugates with proteins which were capable of inducing anaphylaxis and on related problems, and also on the serological specificity of the haemoglobins of different species of animals. His work in Holland came to an end when he was offered a post in the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York and he moved there together with his family. It was here that he did, in collaboration with Levine and Wiener, the further work on the blood groups which greatly extended the number of these groups, and here in collaboration with Wiener studied bleeding in the new-born, leading to the discovery of the Rh-factor in blood, which relates the human blood to the blood of the rhesus monkey.
To the end of his life, Landsteiner continued to investigate blood groups and the chemistry of antigens, antibodies and other immunological factors that occur in the blood. It was one of his great merits that he introduced chemistry into the service of serology
Rigorously exacting in the demands he made upon himself, Landsteiner possessed untiring energy. Throughout his life he was always making observations in many fields other than those in which his main work was done (he was, for instance, responsible for having introduced dark-field illumination in the study of spirochaetes). By nature somewhat pessimistic, he preferred to live away from people.
Landsteiner married Helen Wlasto in 1916. Dr. E. Landsteiner is a son by this marriage.
In 1939 he became Emeritus Professor at the Rockefeller Institute, but continued to work as energetically as before, keeping eagerly in touch with the progress of science. It is characteristic of him that he died pipette in hand. On June 24, 1943, he had a heart attack in his laboratory and died two days later in the hospital of the Institute in which he had done such distinguished work.
From Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1922-1941, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1965.
This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.
Karl Landsteiner died on June 26, 1943.

Monday, April 25, 2016

[ A Pain in the Neck etc,etc.]

These Simple Exercises Will Alleviate Pain in the Neck and Shoulders.

A crick in the neck can be irritating, painful, and can even cause headaches and upper back pain. To alleviate the tension you might be experiencing in your neck, there are a number of natural treatments you can try at home. In addition, the following simple exercises and stretches are also effective for treating neck and shoulder pain. Most of the exercises below can be performed while sitting or standing, holding each stretch for 30 seconds, or a minimum of five to 10 breaths. For instant relief, take a long, hot shower to help loosen the muscles prior to exercising.

Set 1: Relieve Neck Tension

Benefits: The following exercises will help relieve tension in the neck. These simple stretches alleviate neck muscle strain, whiplash (or neck sprain), cervical nerve stretch syndrome or wryneck (a condition in which the head becomes angled to one side and is often associated with painful muscle spasms).

Technique: Look forward and keep your head up. Keep your hands behind your back. Slowly move your ear towards your shoulder. Do not lift your shoulders up when you tilt your neck to the side.

2. Rotating Neck Stretch

Technique: Keep your spine in an upright position, with your shoulders still and your head up. Rotate your chin gently toward your shoulder. While holding the stretch, do not let your chin fall towards your shoulders - keep it parallel to the floor.

3. Forward Flexion Neck Stretch.

4. Diagonal Flexion Neck Stretch

Technique.: In an upright position, with your shoulders relaxed and your hands by your side, allow your chin to fall forward toward your chest. Then, lean your head to one side, gently. Do not overstretch your neck by forcing your head downward. Relax and let the weight of your head do the stretching for you.

5. Neck Extension Stretch

: Stand in an upright position with your hands by your side. Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed. Lift your head, looking upwards. Keep your mouth closed and your teeth together.

6. Neck Protraction Stretch.

: Keep your head up, chin parallel to the floor, then push your head forward, sticking your chin out. Throughout the stretch, keep your head up and do not let your chin fall towards the ground.>

7. Sitting Neck Flexion Stretch.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


18 Reasons to Keep Epsom Salt in Your Medicine Cabinet.

Epsom Salt is the little-known mineral that can fix just about anything. Named after the spring in Surrey, England in which it was found, this mineral can be ingested or applied topically. Its chemical name is magnesium sulfate, and this natural remedy offers many health benefits.

Aches and pains.

1. Physical stress: Soak in a warm tub and add Epsom salts. When the salt is dissolved in the water, it is readily absorbed through the skin. The magnesium ions can help with stress, as they promote serotonin production and lessen adrenaline impact. Magnesium also helps with the energy cell production, reducing restlessness and anxiety.

2. Pain and cramping: A long soak can also offer relief for pained muscles and inflamed joints. The therapeutic salt bath also works at soothing abdominal cramps, tension headaches, and tired feet.

3. Constipation: When ingested, Epsom salts also moonlight as saline laxatives. You can drink a cup of warm water with two tablespoons of salt dissolved in it to sooth constipation. However, it is not recommended that you use this remedy more than once per day and it's best to consult your doctor if symptoms persist.

Medical purposes.

4. Clean arteries: Epsom salts boosts the health of your arteries by decreasing inflammation and protecting your arteries' elasticity. This can help improve your circulation and ward off cardiovascular illness, with less risk of clots, plaque build up, and arterial wall damage. To reap the benefits, soak in a bath of Epsom salts three to four times a week.

5. Blood sugar regulator: Both the magnesium and sulfate in Epsom salts help the body produce and use insulin better. With regular oral or transdermal Epsom salt intake, your blood sugar can be better regulated, resulting in improved daily energy levels and a lowered risk for diabetes.

6. Nerve function: Epsom salts facilitate many enzymatic functions. Their positive effects on the body include regulating fluid retention in cells and using calcium to transmit chemical signals in the nervous system.

7. Healthy feet: Not only will soaking your feet in Epsom salts relieve those daily aches and pains, but it also can treat athlete’s foot, reducing the itching and burning, and help heal toenail fungal infections.

First aid.

8. Splinters: Loosen a splinter by soaking the inflicted body part in warm water with Epsom salts. The mineral acts as an anti-inflammatory around the wound and will soften the splinter, allowing for easy removal.

9. Sprains and bruises: Adding two cups of the salt to a warm bath can help alleviate inflammation and pain caused by sprains and bruises. Soak in the tub and the pain will soon be lessened.

Beauty routine.

10. Exfoliate the skin: Take a handful of the salt and rub it gently over damp skin, to remove dead skin cells. Your skin will be left looking healthier and feeling soft. This method is suitable for your hands, feet and any other skin areas that need exfoliating.

11. Face cleanser: Add a teaspoon of Epsom salts to your regular cleanser or make your own clarifying treatment with this recipe:

Chop a ripe tomato finely and mix it with a pureed egg white.

Add to this half a teaspoon of vitamin B5 powder, 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts and a few drops of thyme essential oil. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

12. Loosen blackheads: You can use the salts to remove oil and dead skin cells from your pores. Exfoliate to remove any dead skin from around the blackheads. In half a cup of hot water, mix a teaspoon of Epsom salts with four drops of iodine, stirring until the salts are completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool down a bit and then massage it onto the blackheads. Let the treatment dry completely and then wash your face with warm water, patting dry with a cloth.

13. Hair product build up: Remove any excess hairspray or other styling products from you hair by mixing 1 cup of Epsom salt and 1 cup lemon juice into a gallon of water (3.8 liters). Let this solution sit for 24 hours before you start using it. Pour the concoction over your hair. Leave it in for 20 minutes and then wash and condition your hair after.

Around the house.

14. Household hand wash: As an alternative to store-bought hand cleaners, mix Epsom salts with baby oil for soft and clean hands. Store in bottles and stash them next to the sinks in your home.

15. Gardening helper: You can use Epsom salts to help your garden grow. You can use it to fertilize plants and grass, facilitate plants nutrient absorption, prevent leaf curling, remove insects or stop a slug infestation.

16. Clean pots and pans: To treat really dirty dishes pour some Epsom salt into the water as it helps grime come off easier. The salt's abrasive texture helps loosen the food without leaving your pots and pans damaged.

17. Tile and grout cleaner: For an effective tile and grout dirt remover, mix equal parts Epsom salts and liquid dish detergent together. Scrub dirty or stained surfaces with this, allowing the mix to soak in for 2 minutes. The grime is loosened effortlessly. Rinse clean after.

18. Remove detergent build up: Unwanted gunk builds up on the inside of your washing machine over time. Remove detergent build up with Epsom salts to protect your washer and see it running efficiently. Run an empty cycle with hot water, a quart of white vinegar and a cup of Epsom salt. After a minute, stop the cycle and let the solution soak for an hour.



Wednesday, February 24, 2016

[ Who Knew Eating Guava Can Treat 11 Different Ailments ?]

Guavas are found in the tropics, and invoke images of vacations, summer parties and island life, but this tasty fruit is more than a celebratory food. This fruit is bursting with healthy vitamins and minerals and can be used to treat many serious ailments. You can recognize guavas by their yellow, green or maroon skins and creamy white or pink pulp.
1. Weight loss and gain.
Guava is a winning fruit for its many great benefits. If you’re trying to lose weight, guavas are not a fruit you need to give up. In fact, this snack-sized fruit can satisfy your appetite while adding few calories, low amounts of carbohydrates and no cholesterol to your diet. Also, compared to other fruit,it adds a low dose of sugar. Guavas also offer a great source of vitamins, proteins, roughage, fibre and minerals. For lean people trying to gain weight, this fruit is also beneficial as it promotes the healthy absorption of nutrients and its substantial nutrients regulate one’s metabolism.
2. Blood pressure and Diabetes.
Guavas are hypoglycemic and rich in fibre, which help reduce blood pressure. Dietary fibres maintain the blood’s fluidity and prevent it from thickening, which can worsen blood pressure. Foods lacking in fibre (for example refined flour) increase blood pressure because they convert to sugar more quickly. This can help fight or even prevent diabetes. The fibre regulates the sugar being absorbed by the body and the risk of both high spikes and drops in the body’s insulin and glucose levels is reduced.
3. Diarrhea, dysentery, and gastroenteritis.
The abundant astringent (substances that contract body tissue) make up of raw guava and guava leaves helps loosen the bowels and reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and gastroenteritis. Being highly alkaline, the guavas act as a disinfectant, removing excess mucus from the intestines and inhibiting microbial growth. For these reasons, guavas can also used to treat dysentery. The guavas’ plentiful supply of vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium can also boost your digestive system.
4. Thyroid health.
A good substance for regulating the thyroid’s metabolism is copper, which guavas have plenty of. The thyroid glands regulate important hormones and organ system functions, which helps maintain a healthy balance in your body.
5. Healthy brains.
Also present in guavas are high amounts of vitamins B3 and B6. These both have benefits for the health of your brain. B3, which is also called niacin, is known to help increase blood flow and stimulate cognitive function, while B6 helps preserve normal nerve function.
6. Scurvy.
Guava is your best source for vitamin C. In fact, it has four times the amount of Vitamin C found in oranges, which are regarded as the go-to food for this vitamin. The concentration of vitamin C can prevent scurvy, a disease caused by a deficiency of this vitamin.
7. Constipation.
The seeds of guavas, either ingested whole or chewed, are excellent laxatives. In addition to the fruits' substantial amount of dietary fiber, guavas are advantageous for treating constipation. These two sources cleanse your intestines and excretory system and help your body retain water, helping you achieve healthy bowel movements. Frequently snacking on guavas, then, can be beneficial for proper digestion.
8. Colds and coughs.
Drinking the juice of guavas and fresh guava fruit helps in fighting colds and coughs. The astringent quality can lessen mucus, disinfect the respiratory tract, throat, and lungs and reduce microbial activity. The substantial amounts of iron and vitamin C in guavas also help treat viral infections. It’s advised to avoid eating overly ripe guavas when you have a cold or cough, as they can actually aggravate them.
9. Eyesight.
The considerable quantities of vitamin A in guavas are extremely beneficial for the health of your vision. This helps slow down macular degeneration, the growth of cataracts and can even improve one’s eyesight deterioration once it has begun.
10. Cancer prevention.
Guava is also valuable in your diet as a preventative measure against cancerous growths and metastasis. The high levels of an antioxidant called lycopene has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Guava leaf oil is another anti-proliferative extract from the guava plant that has proven effective in reducing cancer growth.
11. Skincare.
Guavas are also fantastic at improving skin texture and keeping your skin looking fresh. Guavas are full of astringents, particularly in fresh fruit and the leaves of the plant. If you rinse your skin with a guava decoction, the fruit can tone and tighten areas of loose skin. Eating the fruit also provides a rich source of vitamins A, B, C, as well as potassium, which are excellent antioxidants and detoxifiers. They can keep your skin glowing, prevent premature aging and wrinkles, and can speed up the healing process of wounds.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016



Relieve Common Aches and Pains by Pressing These Points... If you suffer from certain aches and pains, you may be able to get rid of them using reflexology and acupressure on yourself. By doing so, you’ll do away with waiting for doctor’s appointments or suffering in silence.
If you’re thinking of acupuncture, then you’re right – the two do sound very similar and they actually work on the same principles too. The only difference is that with acupressure, there aren’t any needles to deal with – you apply pressure with your fingers to certain points of your body instead.
On the other hand, reflexology is the use of therapeutic pressure massage on certain areas of our hands and feet. These massages are designed to improve energy flow, relieve pain and optimize our health. Certain areas of our hands and feet correspond to specific areas of our bodies and even specific organs. The theory is that the root cause of pain in specific areas is usually due to a blockage of energy, which is preventing us from being healthy and vibrant.
Here is a list of aches and pains that can be treated using acupressure and reflexology, at home or on the go:
Apply this Pressure for Headaches and Migraines.

Our fingertips (excluding our thumbs), with particular reference to the area at the base of the fingernails, can be massaged to relieve head pain. Do so by focusing on your index fingers, as well as the webbing between the thumbs and your index fingers. The latter is often referred to as the Valley of Harmony.
For Sinus Pressure and Pain.
Turn your palms towards you and apply pressure to the pad of your finger ( the part of your finger you use to type) using the thumb and index finger on your opposite hand. Hold the tip of each finger in turn for 1-3 minutes, lightly massaging when done. This will relieve sinus pain, headaches, dizziness, pressure, stuffy noses and congestion.
For Neck Pain and Tension

Massage the middle part of each of your fingers in turn, and look at your fingers. While you’re doing so, think of your fingertips as your head – working your way down your fingers, therefore, is working your way down your neck and shoulders.  

For an Upset Stomach
Massage the entire length of your thumb, warming it up in the process. Once you’ve done so, apply direct pressure to the center of your palm using your warmed up thumb, holding it in place for a couple of minutes.

For a Cold or Sore Throat

Massage the entire length of your thumb, warming it up in the process. Use the index finger and thumb of your opposite hand to apply pressure to either side of your thumbnail.

For Fatigue

Start off by massaging your whole hand, then apply direct pressure to the point on your middle finger, as shown in the photo.
For Menstrual Cramps or Abdominal Pain

Additional tips
1. Rub your hands together for one minute prior to starting any of these exercises to increase hand energy and sensitivity. Use the index finger and thumb on your opposite hand to gently massage and warm up the area to be worked on.
2. The ever-present tip - “make sure you drink lots of water and stay hydrated” in beauty and health articles - is here too. Proper hydration allows for optimal tissue health and helps your body get rid of toxins. After all, our bodies are almost entirely made up of water.
3. Avoid deep pressure to the web of the hand if you are pregnant.

Content and Image Source: Lifehack