Sunday, August 19, 2018

[ Signs that indicate you're stressed.]

 Our body warns us when we're


Our body warms naturally and our work it's true we get exhausted. How long we work. There may be, we need  keep our cool and make our work 

Ignoring them can cost our life because chronic stress 
increases risk for a host of health problems, including 
depression to name a few.

Experts have revealed eight sneaky symptoms of stress that we might mistakenly chalk up to some other health problem or brush off as nothing to worry about, Huffingtonpostreported

The first is weird and/or recurring dreams.
"Unfortunately, the stress we deal with during the day tends to follow us to bed at night and plays out in our dreams," Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, author of Dream On It -- Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life, wrote for

Maybe you don't realize you're burning the candle at both ends until that dream comes back where you miss your bus or your house is on fire, two of the five most common stress dreams, according to Loewenberg.

However, these dreams might help you pinpoint what exactly is stressing you out -- and can help you work through why you're feeling that way, Fitness magazine reports.

Second symptom is tight muscles. Stress causes us to tense our muscles and can even trigger muscle spasms, leaving us in some serious pain, Woman's Day reported.

That funny eye twitch could also be sign of stress. While there's not exactly hard evidence to prove it, many people who complain of a twitch also say they're tired or stressed.

Your teeth can also tell you that you are stressed out.
A number of people grind their teeth in their sleep -- or "chew over the day's stressors," Debbie Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7-Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life, told Fitness.

For women, changes in their menstrual cycle can be another sign of stress. Women may experience late or missed periods due to stress. Some may even experience a condition know as secondary amenorrhea when the cycle seems to completely stop, according to Everyday Health.

Other stressed women may find their periods continue on a regular schedule -- but feel far worse. Stress can make cramps up to twice as painful, according to Fitness.

Losing hair or going gray could be another sign.

We're more likely to lose hair when stressed, HuffPost Style reported.

However, if you are already genetically predisposed to going gray, traumatic events and periods of intense stress could speed up the process. The Mayo Clinic explains that stress can cause white blood cells to attack the hair follicle and stop growth, and it may also put hair follicles into a "resting phase," so hairs fall out during washing or combing.

Others experience trichotillomania when stressed or anxious, which gives them an irresistible urge to pull out hair on the scalp or other areas, like eyebrows and eyelashes.

Stress can also cause more serious reactions, including irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS.
While the link between stress and gastro problems is not entirely understood, it seems to make the intestines more sensitive and contract more, according to the A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia.

Stress also lowers our immune system, leaving us at risk for frequent colds.
One study found that the people who reported high levels of stress were twice as likely to catch a cold. The stress hormone cortisol seems to turn down the volume on
the body's inflammatory response, reported, to "free up energy" to
fight off whatever the threat that's causing the stress.

"Stressed people's immune cells become less sensitive to cortisol," Sheldon Cohen,
Ph.D., the study's author and a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon
University in Pittsburgh told

"They're unable to regulate the inflammatory response, and therefore, when
they're exposed to a virus, they're more likely to develop a cold  " he stated.
e stressed
8 signs that indicate you are stressed
8 signs that reveal you are stressed (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images.


    Our body warns us when we're stressed out.

    Ignoring them can cost our life because chronic stress  increases risk for a host of health  problems, including high blood pressure heart attacks, cancer, strokes and depression to name a few.

    Experts have revealed eight sneaky symptoms of stress that we might mistakenly chalk up to some other health problem or brush off as nothing to worry about, Huffingtonpostreported

    The first is weird and/or recurring dreams.

    "Unfortunately, the stress we deal with during the day tends to follow us to bed at night and plays out in our dreams," Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, author of Dream On It -- Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life, wrote for

    Maybe you don't realize you're burning the candle at both ends until that dream comes back where you miss your bus or your house is on fire, two of the five most common stress dreams, according to Loewenberg.

    However, these dreams might help you pinpoint what exactly is stressing you out -- and can help you work through why you're feeling that way, Fitness magazine reports.

    Second symptom is tight muscles. Stress causes us to tense our muscles and can even trigger muscle spasms, leaving us in some serious pain, Woman's Day reported.

    That funny eye twitch could also be sign of stress. While there's not exactly hard evidence to prove it, many people who complain of a twitch also say they're tired or stressed.

    Your teeth can also tell you that you are stressed out.
    A number of people grind their teeth in their sleep -- or "chew over the day's stressors," Debbie Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7-Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life, told Fitness.

    For women, changes in their menstrual cycle can be another sign of stress.Women may experience late or missed periods due to stress. Some may even experience a condition know as secondary amenorrhea when the cycle seems to completely stop, according to Everyday Health.
    Other stressed women may find their periods continue on a regular schedule -- but feel far worse. Stress can make cramps up to twice as painful, according to Fitness.

    Losing hair or going gray could be another sign.

    We're more likely to lose hair when stressed, HuffPost Style reported.

    However, if you are already genetically predisposed to going gray, traumatic events and periods of intense stress could speed up the process. The Mayo Clinic explains that stress can cause white blood cells to attack the hair follicle and stop growth, and it may also put hair follicles into a "resting phase," so hairs fall out during washing or combing.

    Others experience trichotillomania when stressed or anxious, which gives them an irresistible urge to pull out hair on the scalp or other areas, like eyebrows and eyelashes.

    Stress can also cause more serious reactions, including irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS.
    While the link between stress and gastro problems is not entirely understood, it seems to make the intestines more sensitive and contract more, according to the A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia.

    Stress also lowers our immune system, leaving us at risk for frequent colds.
    One study found that the people who reported high levels of stress were twice as likely to catch a cold. The stress hormone cortisol seems to turn down the volume on the body's inflammatory response, reported, to "free up energy" to fight off whatever the threat that's causing the stress.

    "Stressed people's immune cells become less sensitive to cortisol," Sheldon Cohen, Ph.D., the study's author and a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh

    "They're unable to regulate the inflammatory response, and therefore, when they're exposed to a virus, they're more likely to develop a cold " he stated.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

[ What is Your Health from Reports - A Project.]

Bio Chemistry Report at Saidia Dr.Kiran Kumar life Lab – Age 73  up to 80 years.

Micro Albuminuria ( QUANTITATIVE) Fasting Urine Sample 0.3mg/dl ON 10/04/2008

Micro Albuminuria (QUANTITATIVE) – Fasting Urine Sample 29mg/L  - ON 29/03/2010

Micro Albuminuria ( QUANTTITATIVE) – Fasting Urine Sample27mg/dl  - ON – 30/5/2010
Microalbumin( RANDOM) URINE 4.0mg/l -Biological Ref Range-1.3-20 ON28/04/2014(Hosur)

Fasting Plasma Glucose 85mg/dl PPPG 102 mg/dl- ON – 15/07/2008

Fasting Plasma Glucose 87mg/dl PPPG 140mg/dl on 16/08/2008

Fasting Plasma Glucose 110mg/dlPPPG 214 mg/dl ON 18/02/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose95mg/dlPPPG 119mg/dl  on 29/04/2009.

Fasting Plasma Glucose94 mg/dl PPPG 129mg/dl ON 30/06/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 94mg/dlPPPG 130 mg/dl – on 09/09/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 105mg/dlPPPG207mg/dl-ON 18/12/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 106/mg/dl PPPG112mg/dl ON 09/09/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 105mg/dl PPPG 207mg/dl )ON 18/12/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose122 mg/dl PPPG 135mg/dl ON 31/5/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 67 mg/dl PPPG 111 mg/dl ON 30/05/2010

Fasting Blood Sugar**  -92.9mg/dlPPPG 118.9mg/dl ON 11/10/2013

Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS) 105mg/dlPPPG245.0mg/dl ON20/01/2014

Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)92mg/dlPPPG108mg/dl ON07/02/2015.

Blood Urea ( GLDH- UREASE METHOD ) –ON-18/02/2009 – 28 

On - 30/06/2009 – 34mg/dl & 46mg/dl 

On 18/12/2009 AND 

On 20/01/2014 IT WAS – 13mg/dl 

RANGE = 7.0 – 20.

ON 18/02/2009 – 1.4 

ON 30/06/2009 1.3mg/dl & 1.4mg/dl 

on 18/12/2009  

ON 15/02/2015 it was 0.8 RANGE – 0.8-1.3


ON 20/01/2014 it was 1.


Serum Calcium – 9.1
Range – 4.5 – 5.3


SGPT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD)ON  18  U/L ON 30/06/2009   
SGPT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD)  ON  21  U/L ON 18/12/2009
SGOT  ( IFFE’s KINETIC METHOD)  20    ON   30/06/2009 
SGOT  ( IFFE’s KINETIC METHOD)  20      ON- 20 /09/2009
SGOT  (IFFE’s KINETIC METHOD)           ON22mg/dl ON  30/05/2010 
SGOT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD)            ON30mg/dl ON18/12/2010 
SGOT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD )           ON  22mg/dl ON  30/12/2010

TOTAL CHOLESTEROL ( CHOD-PAP-METHOD) – 181mg/dl on 18/12/2009
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL ( CHOD-PAP-METHOD) – 139mg/dl on 30/05/2010/dl  
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL(Cholesterol Oxide/peroxidase)-152mg – 

TRIGLYCERIDES – 179 on 18/12/2009 & HDL CHOLESTEROL – (Direct Estimated Method) - 62mg/dl
TRIGLYCERIDES – 124 0n 30/05/2010  & HDL CHOLESTEROL- (Direct Estimated Method) – 60mg/dl. 
TRIGLYCERIDES – 142mg/dl – RANGE <150  

LDL CHOLESTROL 83 on 18/12/2009 & ON 30/10/2010 it was 54mg/dl
LDL CHOLESTROL 167mg/dl  ON 15/02/2015   RANGE - <40 >135-150

Laboratory report - S  K G Rao  – 14/01/2011  Bio chemistry Report at NHY- Age 75 years
Fasting Blood Sugar 118mg/dl ----Post prandial Blood Sugar 160 mg/d
Fasting Blood Sugar – FBS – 96mg/dl – Post prandial Blood Sugar – 158mg/dl ON -28/04/2014
Lipid profile cholesterol - 199 mg/dl – ON 14/01/2011
Lipid Profile Cholesterol – 219mg/dl –  ON 28/04/2014

Triglycerides 161mg/d ON09/05.2012Range <150.

142mg =( ON -15/01/201 ) & ON  -> 07/02/2015

Total Billurubin-                                0.3mg/dl – 

   ON->              0.4
Direct Bilirubin -                                0.1mg/dl 

        ON->         0.1

Total Protin-       7gm/dl              “          6.6
Albumin-                                           5.6gm/dl-           “                          3
Gamma GT-                                          28U/L                “ 

Globulin-    1.4gm/dl                “              NA
A/G Ratio                                           4.0-   “             1.2
SGOT (AST)                            “             20Range 15 -  37
HAEMOGLOBIN (HGB) [Cyanmethemoglobin] ------    
1.8 gm/dl

HAEMOGLOBIN (HGB) [ NA ] – --              12.5 gm/dl on-> 16/08/2008.
HAEMOGLOBIN(HB%)[ Photometric Measurement]-> 11.2mg/dl ON->-20/01/2014
HAEMOGLOBIN - ON12.1g/dl-Range -             13.0 - 17.0    28/-4/2014
HAEMOGLOBIN(HB%)                            On 12.7g/dL –do-07-02-2015
Sample – Whole Blood – Test on          17/10/2011   ON  - 07/02/2015 
INVESTIGATION                                      RESULT                       UNITS                   REF RANGE
HAEMOGLOBIN (HBG)                        12.2    12.7              GM/DL     11.0 – 14.0

RED BLOOD CELLS                          4.07    4.47              mil/cm                  3.9 – 5.1
Packed cell Volume (PCV)Calculated  35.2   3     8.1                     %
MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume         86.3         85.1                   Fl                       72 – 84
MCH Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin ---      28.4                 pg              27 - 32
Concentration (MCHC): Calculated ->      33.4                 gpl          31.5 – 34.5                 
Platelet Count( Electrical Impedance)279     245               Tho/       200-550
Total Leucocyte Count(WBC)  --do--     4.6        NA              --do--                     6.0-16.0
Differential Count
(Microscope & VCS) 
Neutrophils                                               48.6     36.5                         %                     20-45
Monocytes                                                 8.2        8.4                        %                        2 - 8
Eosinophils                                               0.9       2.8                          %                      1 – 3
Eosinophils                                               0.5       NA                        %                    0.0 – 1.0
Basophils                                                 0.6%                                                               0 --  2%
ERYTHROCYTES SEDIMENTATION          NA       30  mm/hr             0 – 30.0