Wednesday, July 25, 2018

[ What is Your Health from Reports - A Project.]

Bio Chemistry Report at Saidia Dr.Kiran Kumar life Lab – Age 73  up to 80 years.

Micro Albuminuria ( QUANTITATIVE) Fasting Urine Sample 0.3mg/dl ON 10/04/2008

Micro Albuminuria (QUANTITATIVE) – Fasting Urine Sample 29mg/L  - ON 29/03/2010

Micro Albuminuria ( QUANTTITATIVE) – Fasting Urine Sample27mg/dl  - ON – 30/5/2010
Microalbumin( RANDOM) URINE 4.0mg/l -Biological Ref Range-1.3-20 ON28/04/2014(Hosur)

Fasting Plasma Glucose 85mg/dl PPPG 102 mg/dl- ON – 15/07/2008

Fasting Plasma Glucose 87mg/dl PPPG 140mg/dl on 16/08/2008

Fasting Plasma Glucose 110mg/dlPPPG 214 mg/dl ON 18/02/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose95mg/dlPPPG 119mg/dl  on 29/04/2009.

Fasting Plasma Glucose94 mg/dl PPPG 129mg/dl ON 30/06/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 94mg/dlPPPG 130 mg/dl – on 09/09/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 105mg/dlPPPG207mg/dl-ON 18/12/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 106/mg/dl PPPG112mg/dl ON 09/09/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 105mg/dl PPPG 207mg/dl )ON 18/12/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose122 mg/dl PPPG 135mg/dl ON 31/5/2009

Fasting Plasma Glucose 67 mg/dl PPPG 111 mg/dl ON 30/05/2010

Fasting Blood Sugar**  -92.9mg/dlPPPG 118.9mg/dl ON 11/10/2013

Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS) 105mg/dlPPPG245.0mg/dl ON20/01/2014

Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)92mg/dlPPPG108mg/dl ON07/02/2015.

Blood Urea ( GLDH- UREASE METHOD ) –ON-18/02/2009 – 28 

On - 30/06/2009 – 34mg/dl & 46mg/dl 

On 18/12/2009 AND 

On 20/01/2014 IT WAS – 13mg/dl 

RANGE = 7.0 – 20.

ON 18/02/2009 – 1.4 

ON 30/06/2009 1.3mg/dl & 1.4mg/dl 

on 18/12/2009  

ON 15/02/2015 it was 0.8 RANGE – 0.8-1.3


ON 20/01/2014 it was 1.


Serum Calcium – 9.1
Range – 4.5 – 5.3


SGPT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD)ON  18  U/L ON 30/06/2009   
SGPT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD)  ON  21  U/L ON 18/12/2009
SGOT  ( IFFE’s KINETIC METHOD)  20    ON   30/06/2009 
SGOT  ( IFFE’s KINETIC METHOD)  20      ON- 20 /09/2009
SGOT  (IFFE’s KINETIC METHOD)           ON22mg/dl ON  30/05/2010 
SGOT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD)            ON30mg/dl ON18/12/2010 
SGOT  ( IFCC KINETIC METHOD )           ON  22mg/dl ON  30/12/2010

TOTAL CHOLESTEROL ( CHOD-PAP-METHOD) – 181mg/dl on 18/12/2009
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL ( CHOD-PAP-METHOD) – 139mg/dl on 30/05/2010/dl  
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL(Cholesterol Oxide/peroxidase)-152mg – 

TRIGLYCERIDES – 179 on 18/12/2009 & HDL CHOLESTEROL – (Direct Estimated Method) - 62mg/dl
TRIGLYCERIDES – 124 0n 30/05/2010  & HDL CHOLESTEROL- (Direct Estimated Method) – 60mg/dl. 
TRIGLYCERIDES – 142mg/dl – RANGE <150  

LDL CHOLESTROL 83 on 18/12/2009 & ON 30/10/2010 it was 54mg/dl
LDL CHOLESTROL 167mg/dl  ON 15/02/2015   RANGE - <40 >135-150

Laboratory report - S  K G Rao  – 14/01/2011  Bio chemistry Report at NHY- Age 75 years
Fasting Blood Sugar 118mg/dl ----Post prandial Blood Sugar 160 mg/d
Fasting Blood Sugar – FBS – 96mg/dl – Post prandial Blood Sugar – 158mg/dl ON -28/04/2014
Lipid profile cholesterol - 199 mg/dl – ON 14/01/2011
Lipid Profile Cholesterol – 219mg/dl –  ON 28/04/2014

Triglycerides 161mg/d ON09/05.2012Range <150.

142mg =( ON -15/01/201 ) & ON  -> 07/02/2015

Total Billurubin-                                0.3mg/dl – 

   ON->              0.4
Direct Bilirubin -                                0.1mg/dl 

        ON->         0.1

Total Protin-       7gm/dl              “          6.6
Albumin-                                           5.6gm/dl-           “                          3
Gamma GT-                                          28U/L                “ 

Globulin-    1.4gm/dl                “              NA
A/G Ratio                                           4.0-   “             1.2
SGOT (AST)                            “             20Range 15 -  37
HAEMOGLOBIN (HGB) [Cyanmethemoglobin] ------    
1.8 gm/dl

HAEMOGLOBIN (HGB) [ NA ] – --              12.5 gm/dl on-> 16/08/2008.
HAEMOGLOBIN(HB%)[ Photometric Measurement]-> 11.2mg/dl ON->-20/01/2014
HAEMOGLOBIN - ON12.1g/dl-Range -             13.0 - 17.0    28/-4/2014
HAEMOGLOBIN(HB%)                            On 12.7g/dL –do-07-02-2015
Sample – Whole Blood – Test on          17/10/2011   ON  - 07/02/2015 
INVESTIGATION                                      RESULT                       UNITS                   REF RANGE
HAEMOGLOBIN (HBG)                        12.2    12.7              GM/DL     11.0 – 14.0

RED BLOOD CELLS                          4.07    4.47              mil/cm                  3.9 – 5.1
Packed cell Volume (PCV)Calculated  35.2   3     8.1                     %
MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume         86.3         85.1                   Fl                       72 – 84
MCH Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin ---      28.4                 pg              27 - 32
Concentration (MCHC): Calculated ->      33.4                 gpl          31.5 – 34.5                 
Platelet Count( Electrical Impedance)279     245               Tho/       200-550
Total Leucocyte Count(WBC)  --do--     4.6        NA              --do--                     6.0-16.0
Differential Count
(Microscope & VCS) 
Neutrophils                                               48.6     36.5                         %                     20-45
Monocytes                                                 8.2        8.4                        %                        2 - 8
Eosinophils                                               0.9       2.8                          %                      1 – 3
Eosinophils                                               0.5       NA                        %                    0.0 – 1.0
Basophils                                                 0.6%                                                               0 --  2%
ERYTHROCYTES SEDIMENTATION          NA       30  mm/hr             0 – 30.0

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

[ Mosquito Bites.

If lucky enough, there are times when we can detect the presence of mosquitos before they've had the chance to bite. Though most of the time, it's unlikely that we notice them until one or two (or five) have feasted on your ankles, causing itchy red welts to rise up on your skin. Where there are mosquito's no one is lucky whose blood is hot and most preferred person by any mosquito male or female if you ask me..

Why do mosquito bites itch? According to Jonathan Day Ph.D., a mosquito researcher and professor of medical entomology at the University of Florida, "as part of the feeding process, all blood-feeding organisms introduce saliva into the wound." Adding that "proteins in a mosquito's saliva prevent blood clotting, which allows the mosquito to extract blood more quickly and efficiently. Once the mosquito has finished her meal and departed, her salivary proteins stay behind. Your immune system sees these proteins as a foreign substance and immediately attacks them with histamine." Histamine is an immune chemical your cells release in response to the presence of an injury, allergens or other irritants. It's this histamine that causes the itching and swelling which some people experience following a mosquito bite - emphasis on some people. This is because, surprisingly, not everyone experiences an itchy reaction to mosquito bites. "For most people, the first time they are bitten by a type of mosquito, they get that reaction. But as you're bitten more, most people cease to have a reaction." How to make mosquito bites stop itching The best way to prevent itchy mosquito bites is to avoid getting bitten in the first place by using a good mosquito repellent. The good news about mosquito bites is that they tend to stop itching within two to three days. But if you don't want to wait that long, here are six simple ways to stop mosquito bites from itching:

1. Swab the bite with rubbing alcohol To reduce itching and that histamine response, rubbing alcohol works really well. Alcohol clears away the proteins in the mosquito's saliva - what your immune system would normally react to with itching or swelling. "Rubbing alcohol also has a soothing and cooling effect," Jonathan says.
2. Apply ice, or a cold seltzer can Anything sufficiently cold, like an ice cube can prevent swelling and should also provide temporary relief from itching. Ice won't remove or neutralize the saliva proteins the mosquito left behind, so your bite will start to itch again the moment you remove the cool source. But, if you are in agony and want a respite, ice is an effective option. You can also use a strap-on ice pack if you have a number of bites in a concentrated area.

3. Dab on calamine lotion. Calamine lotion can be soothing. This pink-hued, OTC (over-the-counter) topical treatment contains zinc oxide, which has long been known to have anti-itch properties. The downside is that calamine needs to be reapplied several times a day to keep the itch away.

4. Pop an oral antihistamine.
Most OTC allergy drugs, such as Benadryl, Claritin, and Zyrtec work in part by turning off your body's histamine response, which is why they are called antihistamines. Since this histamine response causes the bite-related swelling and itching, these drugs can provide major relief, according to resources from the University of Washington. If you're dealing with multiple bites and dabbing on calamine isn't getting the job done, or you're headed somewhere where having legs slathered in pink cream isn't appropriate, an oral antihistamine is a better option.

5. Reach for baking soda.
Combine baking soda with a little water - just enough to form a paste. Apply it to your bites, which should help you experience a relief in itching. Should you have to endure many bites, you could add a quarter of baking soda to a bath to quell the itch.

6. Slather on hydrocortisone cream.
This cream is anti-inflammatory and will help keep the swelling down. It has also been shown to relieve itching. Apply 0.5% or 1% hydrocortisone cream a few times a day to relieve your itch.

Source- E-Mail.