Sunday, June 11, 2017


Wheezing (which takes the form of a high-pitched whistling sound) is 
common among many individuals. According to a study conducted by a group 
of professors in 2014, about 56.34%  of participants used to suffer from 
this condition. Wheezing can be serious. If left untreated it can 
lead to bronchitis and pneumonia, endangering your life. 
What Causes Wheezing?

People who have asthma or respiratory problems are the most vulnerable to 
wheezing. Wheezing is a result of the airway passages getting blocked 
due to dust, mucus, sputum or phlegm. With the airway path obstructed, 
oxygen cannot move easily. Some other causes of wheezing might come from:

• A constant and severe cough and cold
• Anaphylaxis (an allergic response that hinders, congests 
and hurts the air path)
• Swallowing a foreign object
• Inflammation, constriction, irritation of the vocal cord
• Dust or pollution
• Acidity and acid reflux
• Smoking, or second-hand smoke
• Family history of wheezing

1. Steam therapy
One of the easiest and fastest ways to stop wheezing is through 
steam therapy which helps to get rid of dust, mucus or thick phlegm 
that has obstructed and clogged your throat. Just pour boiling water 
into a large bowl and add some drops of essential oil, either peppermint 
or eucalyptus oil. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl. 
Inhale the steam emitted from the hot water through your nose and also 
through your mouth for 10 to 15 minutes.  Repeat twice a day. 

2. How shower
Hot showers help reduce dust, phlegm and mucus. Simply take a hot shower 
for about 5 minutes, allowing the bathroom to steam, like a sauna. 
Do so twice a day. This natural remedy will also help open your pores, 
removing dust from your body. 

3. Warm fluids
Drinking warm fluids can help soothe your airways. Opt for warm water. 
This helps prevent mucus from developing in the airway tracts. Furthermore, 
if you're experiencing wheezing, consume hot soups or porridge instead of  
solids as this can make the situation worse, provoking buildups. Drink 
herbal teas like ginger, licorice or chamomile to keep wheezing at bay 
and stay away from dairy products. 

4. Gargle with salt water
Salt water contains anti-bacterial properties. So gargling may help reduce 
wheezing or coughing by eliminating the mucus clinging to your airway passages. 
Simply add 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water, stirring until the 
salt dissolves. Gargle within 30 to 60 seconds and repeat every hour. 

5. Use nasal drops
Nasal drops can help ease your wheezing situation. Just two to three drops 
can help your breathe more easily instantly. Prior to using this treatment, 
ask your doctor for advice. 

6. Garlic
Garlic is full of medicinal properties. It can be used to enhance the 
immune system, which helps combat sickness and diseases. Garlic will help 
eliminate the bacteria blocking the airway passages. If you are unable to 
take it raw, cook with garlic as often as you can.

7. Ginger
Ginger is an excellent remedy for respiratory issues like asthma, 
coughing, wheezing and the flu. It cleans and gets rid of blockages 
in breathing tubes, and reduces and prevents inflammation. This will 
ultimately lead to a decrease in wheezing. Either eat alone, or mixed 
with salads. Drink ginger tea, either alone or together with honey. 

8. Figs
A rich source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, 
vitamin B, zinc and iron, figs are believed to heal inflammation 
in the throat and airway tube by draining out extra mucus. Figs 
are also said to relieve pain and decline stress on the vocal cords. 
Simply soak them overnight. Next morning, eat the soaked figs and 
drink the soaking water. 

9. Yogurt
It may come as a surprise that yogurt is able to stop wheezing. 
It is rich in vitamin B12 and it's very effective in boosting the 
function of the lungs, as well as easing inflammation in the throat 
and airway passages. Eat twice a day to fight against coughing and wheezing. 

11. Turmeric
Curcumin, found in turmeric makes a wonderful treatment for wheezing. 
It can also be used to heal injuries or scars on the body. Just add a 
teaspoon of turmeric into warm water, along with honey for extra benefits. 
Then stir until it is dissolved completely. Drink the remedy twice a day. 

12. Mint
Mint has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which gives 
it the ability to ease sore throats, or irritating respiratory problems. 
Mint can also help get rid of phlegm clinging to the airway passages as a 
result of wheezing.

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