Wednesday, December 23, 2015

[ How should be our Drinking Water ]

We the working class and office goers in India carry our drinking water bottles wherever we go and it has become a necessity as it is our health more than wealth that concerns us.
Our government of the people has set standards of pollutants that is safe if present in our drinking water.
What are those pollutants and draft standards set by the government of India by any supplier.
Drinking water shall comply with the requirements given The analysis of Pesticide residues given hereunder and shall be conducted by a recognized laboratory using internationally established test method meeting the residue limits as per standards for:-
1 )Bacteriological requirements.
2 )Virological requirements.
3 )Biological requirements.
Ideally, all sample taken from the distribution system including consumers’ premises, should be free from coliform organisms and the following Bacteriological quality of Drinking water collected in the distribution system, as per standards is therefore recommended when tested in accordance with IS 1622.
If any coliform organisms are found the minimum action required is immediate resampling and examination. Measures should at once be taken to discover the source of contamination and remove the source of the pollution.
Classification of Microscopic Organism. (1)
a) Chlorophyceae.
1) Species of Coelastrum,
2 ) Gomphosphaeria,
3 ) Micractinium,
4 ) Mougeotia,
5 ) Oocystis,
6 ) Euastrum,
7 ) Scenedesmus,
8 ) Actinastrum,
9 ) Gonium,
10 ) Eudorina,
11 ) Pandorina,
12 ) Pediastrum,
13 ) Zygnema,
14 ) Chlamydomonas,
15 ) Careteria,
16 ) Chlorella,
17 ) Chroococcus,
18 ) Spirogyra,
19 ) Tetraedron,
20 ) Chlorogonium,
21 ) Tetraedron,
22 ) Chlorogonium,
23 ) Stigeoclonium.
All the above 23 Microscopic Organism are present in Polluted water and impounded sources.The Effect of the Organisms and their Significance in water is they Impart coloration.

Species of Pandorina,Volvox,Gomphosphaeria,Staurastrum,Hydrodictyon,Nitella.
Polluted Waters.
Effect of the Organisms and Significance.
Produce taste and odour
Species of Rhizoclonium,Cladothrix,Ankistrodesmus,Ulothrix,Micrasterias,Chromulina
Clean Water.
Effect of the Organisms and Significance
Clean Water.
Species of Chlorella,Tribonema,Clostrim,Spirogyra,Palmella.
Polluted waters,impounded sources.
Effect of the Organisms and significance.
Clog filters and create impounded difficulties.
b) Cyanophyceae
Polluted Waters.
Effect of the Organisms and Significance.
Cause water bloom and impart color
Species of Anacystis and Cylindrospermum.

Species of Anabaena,Phormidium,Lyngbya,Arthrospira,Oscillatona.
Polluted waters
Effect of the Organisms and Significance
Impart color

Species of Anabaena,Anacystis,Aphanizomenon.  
Polluted waters,impounded sources.
Effect of the Organisms and Significance.
Produce taste and odour.

Species of Anabaena,,Anacystis,Aphanizomenon.
Polluted waters.
Effect of the Organisms and significance.
Polluted waters,impounded sources.

Species of Anacystis,Anabaena,Coelosphaerium,Cleotrichina,Aphanizomenon.
Polluted Waters.
Effect of the Organisms and significance.
Toxin Producing,

Species of Anacystis,Rivularia,Oscillatoria,Anabena.
Polluted waters
Effect of the Organisms and Significance.
Clog Filters.

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